Thursday, December 11, 2014

Anticipation, Retrospection, and a Time to Be

The shift of December into January reminds me that Time is a fickle friend. The adage of, “time flies when you’re having fun” does seem to apply more readily at my ripe old age. It confounds me how, as we age, Time seems to just meander through the woods without our consent.

            For example, at four I was anxious to attend school. I wanted to learn and share “best friend” charms. When Time allowed the change of class structure in junior high, I felt a shift away from childhood. Happily, I waved goodbye to the naps and innocence I now cherish. At thirteen, the angst settled in as I began to construct an identity. I desperately needed my mother but just as readily pushed her away.

I was elated at eighteen because I was finally legal and could vote. I dreamt my life away on Sunset Boulevard at twenty-one. Ages twenty-two, twenty-three, and twenty-four were left in a neon stupor between varying county and state lines. Twenty-five I rented a car legally for the first time. And suddenly, I woke up. I was married, had a house, and children. I wondered, when did this all happen and could I have a mulligan on those missed naps?

            Time - the ineffable measure of experience. Everyday we rise and ponder the monotony: our jobs, mortgages to be paid, pets to feed, children to take to school, a dinner to make, or a business meeting in the evening. This culture we live in demands production. It seeks immediate gratification. It can leave us wanting, wishing for something better, brighter, or happier tomorrow.

I recently discovered that we seldom grant ourselves the permission to be present, to enjoy the everyday gifts from Great Mystery. Be it the laughter of a child, the sun’s warmth on our faces, the air wafting across our visage, or enjoying the company of a loved one. We spend enough time anticipating the future, trying to mould it. We spend enough time looking retrospectively into the past, wishing we could change it.

What if we tried living for today’s simple delights?

2014 © DNKG  Anticipation, Retrospection  and a Time to Be

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Let Creation Set You Free: Poetry

The black mirror glistens
as golden flakes blow to rest
and turn to die

The audience burns
against the still green backdrop
which Spotlight commands

A canopy of Amber
sentinels the halcyon scene
as tears roll down, kissing shale

2014 © DNKG
