Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Just Paint Over Yourself Already!

This morning when my 3-year-old son asked me to join him in painting, I did not expect it to be such a profound experience. As I turned on the "appropriate music" for such a task, my son had already begun filling his white canvas with white paint. I silently judged him. In fact, most of his white paint had be depleted and his sweet eyes begged, "mommy, more please." It began as a bonding experience: matching brush strokes, exchanging ideas, and additional requests for "more white please, mommy." He began with Impressionistic textured short strokes, proceeded to slap the canvas like Jackson Pollock in frivolity before returning to long strokes that seemingly erased the madness. I sat there watching the freedom he gave himself, relishing in the joy he had in trusting his impulses.

The canvas I stared at, on the other hand, had been in my closet for nearly 6 months; untouched, unfinished, and unpolished by my inner critics voice. 

Still not happy after 2nd cover

My son's invitation this morning permitted me the freedom to release my chains, to silence those judges, and be present with him. I began to drift away into the story of my painting. I saw the transformation of colors, the corrections I wanted to make, and the additions. I became acutely aware of how the brushes and I were inseparable. 

In the long strokes I deleted away the worries and cares of the past year. I understood that while I could not go back and scrape the paint off, I could always restart. I looked at my canvas and acknowledged that not once, but twice had I painted over it. Originally it was a "lollipop style tree" done at a Paint Nite with friends. The first "I don't like that" came with the mountains and then the second one came with the background (See it above).  It reminded me that I always have the liberty to be gentle with myself and try again. In the colors that were muddled or ill-matched, I found the courage to search my color wheel and create what I saw in my mind. I am not bound by anyone's opinions. It reminded me that my mind is a powerful tool. I am in control of myself, my words, and reactions. I have the ability to create that which I think and believe. With the texture of my canvas, I found the freedom to express. As an amateur painter, I frequently am caught up with the do's and do not's of painting. In silencing those "rules," it has become easier to accept my paintings and myself. This allowed me to discover that I am the master of my own destiny and that I must accept responsibility for the actions I take and the consequence that are accompanied with them. 

Paintings can teach us a multitude about the artist, their period of life, and frame of mind when we spend time with their work. My final lesson I wish to share is about stepping back. I am in a love/loathe relationship with painting because it reminds me to step away from the details of life and breathe. At times, I must literally stand up and look at my painting, yet I feel like I do not have the luxury of stopping. But that is what painting has taught me. I am on no one's time but my own. It's a great testament to patience. 

It has taught me that I cannot see the beauty of the entire forest if I only look at the dried up creek bed.

My painting and this week's Torah portion ties in beautifully with the Jewish goal of preparation during Elul. This week's portion Ki Tavo extols that each time we are a recipient of something - a gift, a special token from a grandparent, are aware of our health/our life, a blessing from our Rebbe, our intelligence, a chance to restart, an intervention from the Divine- we should react as if it were our first time stepping into eretz Israel. Every moment we have is sacred, is precious and in remembering this we become grateful. Gratefulness cultivates v'hayah, joy, which continuously opens us to repeated blessings. Celebrate with fruit of the new season and bring it to your sukkah at the start of Sukkot. Or perhaps, take it to the forest and leave it there so you can give life to another. 

Ask yourself, what is beyond the painted line? What lies within the forest waiting just for me? How can I graciously verbalize my gratefulness to the Divine in my life. 

© DNKG 2015 Unknown Pathways
20x16 Acrylic on Canvas

© DNKG 2015 Paint Yourself Already

Monday, August 31, 2015

Serpentine Checkmate

Prone against his cobbled earth
scents of wood smoke
gas giants hang loftily,
still against icy wind.

Vibrations rouse my status
as orbs meet sacred Crescent
vaporizing, and the invading light
slithers in for the fiery morn.

Beyond reproach in the demon's burn
the forked venom doth lie
between the pale of undulating scales
and the gravity defying skies

Strike fast in fine heavenly air
sting and bite my honeysuckled dawn
just to be gulled before luna hibernis 
under the glow by which he conceals his pawn

  © DNKG Serpentine Checkmate

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

L'ultima Bruciatura - The Final Burn

La poesia 2 de 3...

L’ultima Bruciatura

Ci sono momenti, in cui può solo rimanere quiescente

Sotto il manto delle tenebre che mette a tacere la boscaglia.

In altri, il bocciolo arriva troppo presto per sbocciare

Spuntando frettolosamente per il pellegrinaggio solitario nel gelo della notte.

La sua voce è in attesa, gorgoglia come un ruscello che scorre tra rocce calcaree.

Una placida energia vitale che pulsa constantemente.

Anelando, scongela il ghiaccio che le ferma le labbra

e rompe le catene della tempesta invernale, ora paladina della riforma.

2015 DNKG L’ultima Bruciatura

Traduzione in Inglese

The Final Burn

There are times, that all she can do is lie dormant

‘neath the carpeted bleakness that silences the thicket.

And other times the bud come too early to bloom

Rising hastily for her lone sojourn across frozen night.

Her voice lies in wait gurgling like the brook under the deep shale;

 A placid life force, which beats steadily.

In her hunger, she thaws the ice engulfing her lips

Burning the shackles of her winter storm,

Now a champion of reform.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Coronas and Chianti

Epochs of biting memories
erased in this solo embrace.
A primal pinch arouses, "Let's
take it beyond or shall we play?"

Unafraid to swim in the depths
to push beyond the former.
The obstructed window offers no view.
Exist HERE, in my Carnality.

The shades of your body
tell the story of our perverted love.
Us: Intertwined, your hands lost
in me, crowning me your jewel.

Scents long forgotten bitten awake
Linger and waft -taste my poison.
Transcend. And lips echo the sweet
lyrics that hug spaces I only know.

 © 2015 DNKG Coronas and Chianti

Friday, May 29, 2015

Series 3 - Lost and Recaptured: Tales of Love Unspoken

We present Series 3 of our multilingual, fictional story set against the historical backdrop of the Franco-Spanish War. 
We hope the characters surprise you. We surprised ourselves during our writing. Enjoy. 
Any similarities to individuals living or dead, real or fictitious is purely coincidental.

Lost and Recaptured: Tales of Love Unspoken
Perdido y Recuperado: Cuentos de amor tácito
Perdu et Recouvré: L'histoires d'amour tacite

Series Three:  Prohibited Love
Serie Tres: Amor Prohibido
Série Trois:  L'amour Interdit

A mi amor

Ya hace un tiempo que no e recibido una letra. ¿Está todo bien?
Hay unas cosas que necesito decirte. Primero creo que estoy en peligro por escribiendo contigo.
Recibí una letra de un hombre que tiene mucho poder. Y mi dijo que ya no puedo escribir a ti.
Y si lo hago cero que me va tratar a matar.

Pero el amor que tengo para ti me quema por dentro no puedo ver mi vida sin ti.
¡Te necesito en mi vida! Te necesito decir algo más.

No soy simplemente un solado de España. Soy un capitán y tengo un barco.
Tengo un poco poder que cero que nos podemos ir a una lugar muy lejos de aquí.
Vente con migo vámonos de este lugar, lleno de muerte, y un país tan triste.

Vámonos a un lugar hermosa, una lugar que nos podemos crecer viejos, una lugar que te puedo de tener en mis brazos para siempre. Un la lugar que puedo sentir tu cuerpo con mis besos. Un lugar que nos podemos dormir juntos.

¿Vente con migo?

Tu yo en amor,

Andres Rodrigo Rojas


C'est avec une grande tristesse que je te écrit. 
Bien que le soleil brille sur moi 
et la neige s'éloigne,
mon âme est seule dans le sombre hiver.

Je me sens la chaleur du Printemps comme 
il embrasse mon corps glacial.  
Je sens la lavande fraîchement floraison dans le jardin,
me couronnant en beauté. 

Je me souviens que la vie me environne. 

Les errances de mon esprit ne fera pas arrêté. 
Je pense seule de toi et ton sécurité
et la mort viendra à tous veulent te faire du mal.

Je sais l'homme qui de tu parle. Il est venu me dire le mécontentement j'apporte au roi, 
particulièrement, dois-je continuer à tu écrit. Le Cardinal est un homme très puissant. 
Ne pas le croise!

Je connais que tu n'es pas tout ce que tu sembles. 
J'ai pensé souvent, pourquoi tu comprends Français mais tu réponds en Espagnol.
Maintenant, tu dit moi que tu as une grande bateau et tu es un capitaine? Et de plus,
tu me demandes d'abandonner ma tante dans sa l'heure de besoin. Elle es ma famille! 

L'amour ne peut pas lave un lien familial. 
La famille est l'un des plus grandes chefs-d'œuvre de la nature. 

Je te demande réfléchir à ce que tu veut que je fasse. 


Para mi Amor,

Estoy tan contento de finalmente haber oír de usted! 
Conozco la sensación que sientes cuando lees las palabras de su ser querido y traer un puesto de la vida en lo que es el otro sabio muerto. No puedo dejar de pensar en ti, y como este hombre que piensa que tiene el poder para mantener nuestro fuego de amor escondido. Él no va a ser apto de mantenerme lejos de ti. Sólo en la muerte va a ser eso posible, y aun así mi amor para te siempre va vivir.

Amor si tengo un barco, y me senito aquí en la noche mirando el cielo lleno de estrellas buscando repuestas. Pero no más sentó la tristeza de la luna y las estrellas porque nuestro amor se mantiene tan lejos. Este tristeza se siente como un lluvia de fuego descendiendo por todo me cuerpo. Por eso te necesito en mi vida, para extinguir este fuego que me quema por dentro con to amor.

 Amor, no sé lo que es tener una familia, porque yo crecí sin una. Es por eso que he aprendido tantas lenguas como el francés. Crecí a través de la tierra aprendido una manera de vivir. Sin embargo yo siempre he soñado que tener una familia, y ahora quiero comenzar una contigo! Y por esa razón si su tía es tan importante para ti y esto significa que tú vas conmigo, entonces ella puede ir con nosotros también!

Amor, yo ya tengo una isla lista para nosotros, con una casa con un hermosa vista del océano uno que se te hará lucir aún más hermosa y llena de alegría, Vente conmigo amor. Vamos a crecer viejos juntos.

Con Amor,


Nous avons déplacé à l'autre region du France.
Ma tante et moi ont été séparé: elle a retournè sur la pâlais et moi...

J'ai entendu que mon oncle dit que il y a préparé un mariage pour moi.
Un Duc ou Marquis...quelqu'un indigne de mon cœur

Il est une leçon d'humilité.
Simplement parce que j'ai trouvé l'été dans le cœur d'hiver et mon oncle ne peut pas l'a.

Je t'ai trouvé. Mon étoile brilliant. Une lumière que ne sera pas pris.

Je suis heureuse que t'etais la mienne.

Mais, comme la lune a quitté la nuit vide, nous avons devons dire "Au Revoir"

Mon honneur AVANT mon cœur.
Il est ma duty au mon pays


To my Love, 

It has been sometime since I have last received a letter. Is everything ok? There are some things that I must tell you. First I believe that I am in danger for my life for writing to you. I received a letter from a man that has a lot of power. He told me that I can no longer write to you. I fear that if I do that he will have me killed.
However the love that I have for you burns deep within me, and I cannot see my life without you in it.
I NEED you in my LIFE! There is one other thing I must tell you.

I am not just a simple solider from Spain. I am a Captain, and I have my own boat. I have a small amount of power, and I believe that I can get us both far away from this place. Come with me, let us leave this place full of death, and this country full of depression. Let us go to some place beautiful, a place where we can grow old together, a place where I can hold you in my arms forever. A place where I can feel your body with my kisses. A place where we can sleep together in peace.

Will you go with me?

Yours in love, 
Andres Rodrigo Rojas


It is with sadness that I write to you. 
Although the sun shines upon me 
and the snow recedes, 
my soul is in alone in a dark winter.

I feel the warmth of Spring as
it embraces my icy body.
I smell the fresh lavender blooming in the garden,
Crowning me in beauty.

I remember that life is around me. 

But the wanderings of my heart will not stop.
I think of you and your safety
and death will come to all who want to harm you.

I know the man that you speak of. 
He came to tell me of the displeasure I bring to the King, especially,
should I continue writing you.  The Cardinal is a very powerful man.
Do not cross him!

I know that you are not all that you seem.
I have often thought about why you understand French but respond in Spanish.
Now, you tell me you have a large ship and are a captain? And further,
you ask me to leave my aunt in her hour of need. She is my family!

Love cannot wash away a family bond.
Family is one of nature's greatest masterpieces.

I ask you to think about what you want me to do. 


For my Love,

I am full of joy to finally have Heard from you! I know that sensation that you feel when you read the word of your love, and it brings a sense of life in place that normally feels like death. I cannot stop thinking of you, and how this man who believes to have the power to be able to hide the burning passion of love that we have for each other. He does not have the capability to keep me far from you! Only in death will that be possible, and even then my love for you will live on forever.

My love, yes I do have a ship, and I find myself sitting here at night looking into the start filled sky looking for answers. But I only feel this sadness from the Moon, and the Stars, because our love is kept so far apart from each other. This sadness feels like a rain of fire falling around my body. That is why I need you my life, to extinguish this flame, that burns from within, with your love.

My love I do not know what it is like to have family since I grew up without one. That is why I have learned so many languages like French. I grew up moving from one city to the next learning what I could in order to survive. However I have always dreamt of what it would be like to have a family, and I want to start one with you! And if for that reason you Aunt means that much to you, and if it means that you will come with me, well then she can come with us as well!

Love, I have already gotten a place ready for us. With a house with the most beautiful view of the ocean that could only make you even more beautiful, and full of happiness. Leave with my Love. Let us go and grow old together.

With Love, 


We have moved to another area in France.
My aunt and I have separated: she has returned to the palace and me…

I heard my uncle say that he has prepared a marriage for me.
A Duke or a Marquis…someone unworthy of my heart.

It is a lesson in humility.
Simply because I found the summer in the heart of winter and my uncle cannot have it. 

I found you. My brilliant star. A light that will not be taken.

I am happy that you were mine. 

But as the moon leaves the empty night, we have to say “Goodbye”

My honor BEFORE my heart.
It is my duty to my country.


© 2015 DNKG & ARR, Series 3 - Prohibited Love
