Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Let Creation Set You Free: Poetry

Without Notice

They see you standing there
tall, firm and resolute.
They know you will weather
The Storms
for the rings of the Rind
reveal your inner strength.

They see you standing there
bright, budding, and creating.
They know you will yield on
The Lives,
for the seedlings surrounding
are the scion of this forest.

They see you standing there
shading the lovers whose season of passion
is concealed by your arms and legs, twisted.
The Secrets
for your eyes alone bear witness
to the lust we all share.

They see you standing there
burning, emblazoned, a sweeping rekindling
halted in time to preserve
The Moments.
They relish in next year's glory
while you prepare, cleansing
your days in the chilled rain.

They see you standing there
barren, naked, and vulnerable
with nothing left to offer.
The Lamented.
A white blanket is the only solace given
in the dreary dead of night.

They see you standing there
tall, firm and resolute
they believe you have weathered
The Storms.
Your covering lie on the ground, supported and loved
by only the green moss and water wells
that, from the depths, nurtured your
solo existence.
They believed your deeply sunk roots would survive,
"you're so beautiful" and
They walked on...

If only they could see the heart of you, perhaps then,
they would understand your stoic example.
If they could see the heart of you, perhaps then,
they would understand that in your dying,
you gave them life.

DNKG Without Notice 2014 ©

1 comment:

  1. If only people would take a moment to take the time to see what is happening around them.

