Monday, June 2, 2014

Why the caged bird sings: A personal poetry tribute to Dr. Maya Angelou

In a world torn between color,
lived and learned between the
black and white hues of 
a Mother, a Trailblazer, a Poetess
born from the strife,
Who gave rise from the ashes.
Who gave birth from a watery grave.
Who gave voice to the other caged birds.

In a world still torn between color,
lived and learned between the
sophisticated hues of grays; 
between religion, politics, and social strata.
a caged bird sings
a mighty song it sings of its own.
A song inspired by the original bird
who feared not; who sang and sung 
Until its lungs no longer could,
Until its breath, panting, matched its heart,
Until its heart sung to its content,
Until its light was borrowed by the Great Equalizer.

And what have we birds known of
atrocities of Time? 
So many, too young,
to know the Power of her rhyme. 
To what atrocities have we accounted for
of broken bodies
of lost loves
of fragmented hearts
of saddened homes.
Would we brave the burn of the tyrant, 
so courageously stare down the eyes 
that abhor without knowing why?
Would we, so valiantly? 
Just to sing our song,
a song of Release?

That caged bird lived her love,
so all others would know what living a life of love meant. 
That caged bird loved when love seemingly wasn't an option, 
 so all others would know love could heal all wounds.
That caged bird healed through the prose of her life, 
so all others would know how. 

Why does the caged bird sing? 
She sang for her. 
She sang for you. 
She sang for me. 
She sang for love. 
She sang for the tough life.
She sang for sanity in an insane world. 
She sang for colors like her.
She sang when being human wasn't humane.
She sang for freedom from oppression. 
From enslavement. 
For us, as Humankind.
She sang to survive. 
She sang to feel alive. 
She sang because it's the one thing they couldn't break. 
She sang because it's the only thing they couldn't take. 
She sang because her song had to be sung.

I understand why the caged bird sings
in my heart and in my soul
she sings and sings and sings
for that is what a caged bird must do
to breathe, to live, or to die for its

I know why the caged bird sings.

DNKG  Why the caged bird sings: A personal poetry tribute to Dr. Maya Angelou 


  1. Very beautiful poem. I also agree that there is nothing as beautiful as unconditional love. In my opinion it is one of the most purest things we still have left on this earth. It is not easy to find but when two people come together as one and have unconditional love it is pure beauty.

    1. I completely agree. And I feel, Dr Angelou did it beautifully all her life. Thank you for reading.

  2. What a lovely poem. Love is what it's all about, isn't it? Without love, what's left? Thank you for sharing this with us. Peace to you.

