Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Let Creation Set You Free: Elul's Call for Silence

Between paper lines
and coded words
of meetings and study
This invitation or That song
In children screaming, "NO!"
or in the loved ones who ache
and the other ones breaking.
The silence calls, to
escape, the walls caving
sit, melt, become Earth.

2014 © DNKG Call for Silence


  1. Well Danielle, I am so happy you stopped by my site because you brought me to yours. Weird thing? I just started writing poetry again. I'm not feeling comfortable sharing it just yet but it's out there on the horizon. I could stay and read your words all day.. Your blog is like a wonderful book that a person just does not want to put down. Thank you again for stopping by today. I'll be back. You've been warned.. ;) Oh, and I'm stalking you now. Ha!

    1. Thats ok Mimi. I like Stalkers...its feeds the fuel to my poetic fire. :)

    2. Plus, i believe things happen for a reason. If you just started writing poetry, the universe put ya here maybe to get you inspired, to fuel you, or just to let you know that Im here as support. I read others poetry and lovingly critique. I edit. I just read. So, maybe thats something we could talk about.

  2. This is a wonderful poem. Ahh, the silence ... something so many of us never connect with. I'm happy to say that I've been silent more and more these days and feeling a shift. Loving it. Thanks!

    1. Jeanne, It true. I think we all neglect that silence. And I believe its so healing to our soul. Many people see it as a weakness, to draw away. I love it as it gives me the space and time to assess where i am, who i am, and where I need to be headed. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

  3. Very beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing. You have a great blog.

    1. Thank you Nathaniel. I love when you drop by. You're words are very kind.

